7 Yoga Asanas for Bright, Glowing Skin - According to Ayurveda

Did you know that your skin is the biggest and fastest-growing organ in your body? People have always wanted to look young, and Ayurveda, which combines both art and science, offers natural ways to stay beautiful. This ancient way of healing has many secrets for staying young and teaches us to live healthily.
Ayurveda tells us that having healthy, glowing skin means you are generally healthy too. Yoga, which is part of Ayurveda, has special exercises called asanas that are great for your skin. They help your skin by improving blood flow, getting rid of toxins, and balancing your body's energy, making your skin look better.
In this article, we'll look at 7 yoga asanas that have been used for over 5,000 years to help achieve bright and glowing skin. These asanas are not just good for staying in shape; they also help your skin stay young and healthy, showing the benefits of living the Ayurvedic way.
7 Easy Yoga Poses That Can Help You Get Bright, Glowing Skin
Yoga is not just about stretching and holding poses; it's a way to improve your overall health, including your skin. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian health system, believes that having glowing skin means you are healthy inside. Here are seven easy yoga poses that can help you get bright, glowing skin:
1. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)

This is a combination of 12 different yoga asanas you do in a sequence. It is similar to a full-body workout in that wakes you up and gets your blood flowing. This increased circulation helps clean out toxins, which can improve your skin's appearance. Doing this sequence in the morning can be especially beneficial, as it aligns your body’s energy with the natural rhythms of the sun, helping you feel more balanced and your skin look more vibrant.
Directions -
- Stand with feet together, hands in prayer position at the chest.
- Inhale, lift arms up and back and stretch.
- Exhale, and bend forward to touch the floor beside your feet.
- Inhale, step one leg back, knee down, and look up.
- Bring the other leg back to a straight-line position.
- Lower knees, chest, and chin to the floor.
- Slide forward, lift your chest into Cobra pose, and look up.
- Exhale, and lift hips to form an inverted V shape.
- Inhale, step the same leg forward again and look up.
- Exhale, bring the other leg forward and bend at the waist.
- Inhale, rise, and stretch back slightly.
- Exhale, stand straight, hands down, and relax.
2. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

This pose is particularly beneficial for the thyroid gland, which, according to Ayurveda, is crucial for maintaining Pitta balance. A balanced Pitta leads to improved metabolic functions and skin health. By increasing blood flow to the facial area, Sarvangasana nourishes the skin, reduces dullness, and promotes youthful glowing skin.
Directions -
- Lie on your back with your arms by your side.
- Lift your legs and hips up, supporting your back with your hands.
- Try to straighten your legs and spine, pointing your feet towards the ceiling.
- Keep your weight on your shoulders, not your neck.
- Hold this position, then slowly lower your legs and return to lying down.
3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This pose is known to stimulate Agni (digestive fire) in Ayurveda, which is key to breaking down ama. By enhancing digestive health, Bhujangasana helps in purifying the blood, which is reflected in clearer, more vibrant skin. It also helps in regulating the hormones, reducing the likelihood of hormonal acne.
Directions -
- Start lying on your stomach, legs straight, and hands under your shoulders.
- Push your upper body up, straighten your arms, and arch your back.
- Look upwards and try to keep your shoulders relaxed.
- Hold this position, then gently lower yourself back down.
4. Halasana (Plow Pose)

Ayurveda sees this asana as a powerful detoxifier, essential for removing ama (toxins) from the body. Clearing toxins is crucial for preventing acne and other skin disorders, leading to clear and healthy skin. The improved blood circulation to the face and brain also revitalizes the skin, enhancing its natural glow, and considered as best yoga for glowing skin.
Directions -
- Lie on your back, arms by your side, and lift your legs over your head.
- Try to touch the floor behind you with your toes.
- Keep your hands on the floor for support or clasp them together.
- Hold this pose, then carefully roll your spine back down to lie flat.
5. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

This twisting pose is excellent for improving digestion and eliminating toxins, key concepts in Ayurveda for maintaining skin health. By enhancing gut health, this pose helps in achieving glowing skin, a clearer complexion, and preventing skin issues like acne and eczema.
Directions -
- Sit with your legs straight out in front of you.
- Bend one knee and place that foot on the opposite side of the other knee.
- Twist your body towards the bent knee, pushing against it with your elbow.
- Look over your shoulder, hold the twist, then switch sides and repeat.
6. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

According to Ayurveda, this pose helps in calming the mind and relieving stress, which is crucial for balancing Vata dosha. A balanced Vata improves the skin’s hydration and prevents dryness and flakiness, leading to more moisturized and glowing skin.
Directions -
- Stand straight, then bend forward from your hips.
- Try to touch your feet or the ground, keeping your legs straight.
- Let your head hang freely, hold the bend, and then slowly rise back up.
7. Pranayama (Breathing Exercises)

In Ayurveda, breath is the life force that regulates the body’s energy. Pranayama practices are believed to purify the blood and balance the doshas, particularly Vata. By improving the oxygen flow and helping in the detoxification process, Pranayama practices contribute to healthier, more radiant skin.
Directions -
- Sit in a comfortable position with a straight spine.
- Practice deep breathing, like inhaling deeply, holding for a moment, and exhaling slowly.
- Try alternate nostril breathing or fast-paced breaths to energize your body.
Yoga is a great way to live a happy and healthy life, and it's also great for your skin. But that's not all you need for healthy skin and body. Along with yoga, taking care of your skin from the outside is also important. This means using the right skincare products and eating well to nourish your skin from within.
Eating foods rich in nutrients keeps your skin healthy from the inside, while a good skincare routine treats it from the outside. Getting enough sleep is also important for glowing skin because it's the time when your body repairs itself, including your skin.
If your skin looks tired or uneven, choosing skincare products without harsh chemicals is important. Look for ayurvedic skincare products that are free from SLS, SLES, sulfates, and parabens. Instead, go for luxury Ayurvedic skincare products like Vedaxry that are gentle and naturally nourish your skin, complementing your yoga and diet efforts for the best results.

Reviewed By
Dr. Sapna Kangotra
Senior Ayurveda Doctor